With globalization reaching new heights every day, some of the most thriving small businesses begin their entrepreneurial growth by learning to export to international markets.
Thankfully, you are not alone in your journey. For more than 120 years, the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service has helped organizations of all sizes grow to operate internationally. With a network of Trade Commissioners in more than 160 cities around the globe, they are an invaluable resource to help Canadian small business trade, grow and succeed. By the end of this presentation, you will know more about preparing yourself for international business and finding global opportunities.
The presentation will answer the following questions:
• What is the Trade Commissioner Service (TCS)?
• How do I qualify to be a client of TCS?
• What services does the TCS offer?
• What funding programs are available? What do I need to apply for them?
• What programs does the TCS offer to support my business?
• What other resources should I know about to become export-ready?
Join us to learn what TCS can do for you!