The Small Business Enterprise Centre is proud to offer four programs that support entrepreneurship in the South Georgian Bay region!
1. Summer Company – The Summer Company program is a chance for Ontario students between the ages of 15 and 29 to become their own boss during the summer. Students accepted into the Summer Company program receive hands-on business training, a grant of up to $3,000 and mentorship from local leaders.
2. Starter Company Plus – Starter Company Plus is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs age 18 or older who are no longer in school and want to launch a full-time business in their community. The program provides successful applicants with business training, advice and local mentorship as well as a grant of up to $5,000 to help with start up or expansion costs.
3. Foodpreneur Advantage – Foodpreneur Advantage is a regional collaboration of Small Business Enterprise Centres in Ontario, and is supported by Libro Credit Union and FedDev Ontario. This program is for entrepreneurs in early stages of development and are looking to gain knowledge in the food and beverage industry. Existing businesses are welcome to join the Start-Up seminars or connect with an advisor to see what would be best for your stage of business.
4. Virtual Service Advisory – Access one-on-on support with industry experts in the fields of Human Resources, Accounting, Law, Health and Safety or Small Business Consulting – compliments of our team.
5. Digital Service Squad – A FREE resource to help your business build an online presence and promote and sell successfully online. Digital Service Squad team members aim to assess your business’s online presence and provide recommendations on how to enhance your digital capabilities.
To connect with an SBEC team member or get straight to booking a free appointment, call us at 705-351-3309 or visit us here: