Enterprise Centre

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Open Monday to Friday


Starter Company Plus Spotlight: Shandelle Page McCurdie

The South Georgian Bay Small Business Enterprise Centre is pleased to welcome a new cohort of 2021 Starter Company Plus participants including Shandelle Page McCurdie – freelance artist and muralist. Shandelle has brought many public walls to life with her artistic designs and one-of-a-kind murals. In June, Simcoe street had a monarch makeover and it’s turned into quite the conversation piece and photo op for strolling locals. Fantastic work!

A little bit about Shandelle:

Hey, I’m Shandelle. I’m an artist, muralist, facilitator and I love the power of paint!

I grew up with a creative mother who encouraged and supported my art. I was always the art kid, always had a sketchbook, and lucked out with a great art teacher. Naturally, I decided to study visual arts at Sheridan College. I now run a creative business that involves a lot of paint. I design and paint murals for communities and businesses, guide young artists through different mediums, facilitate workshops for those who want to learn about the process and I create original and commissioned paintings out of my home studio, a block from Georgian Bay. It’s a ton of fun!

Read on for a Q+A about Shandelle and her business.

A mural of a butterfly on a brick wall.

What is your favourite part about being an entrepreneur? The unknown. Every day presents new opportunities and fun.

What inspired you to start your business? I can’t say that it was one thing or situation. It was a beautiful combination of losing my job as a travel agent during a pandemic and the increasing demand for creativity.  My art was selling and I was motivated to turn my passion into a full time thing. 

What takeaways are you looking to get out of the Starter Company Plus program? Looking for good connections with other business owners, practical resources, and guidance.

What services or products do you offer? Mural work, custom paintings, original art, lessons and workshops. Let’s connect if you or your business need any of these!

Who do you look up to for ideas and inspiration? Fellow business owners, friends, and other successful artists.

What was one new experience you tried that was completely unknown or uncomfortable to you at the time you tried it? Scuba diving. Slightly terrifying but I was determined to do it. So glad that I did. That experience has stayed with me on the daily and is inspiring new travel destinations.

What is your favorite thing about technology? Least favorite? The ability to connect at scale. The time management that comes with it.

What’s your favourite local spot to visit on a day off? The beach. I live close by and you can’t get in the way of a fresh dip or stunning sunset.

What is your favorite job you’ve ever had and why? Bartending. Getting paid to talk to people and have a good time was pretty great!

For projects and inquiries, Shandelle can be reached through the following channels:

Instagram: @herpaintedpage

Facebook: Shandelle’s Painted Page

705-221-5738 or Website: https://shandellepagemccurdie.wordpress.com/