This week’s Summer Company Sunday Series features a youth entrepreneur, who shares the story of what inspired him and how his company came to be.
John Cardillo Jr. is the founder of 43 Figure Films. A youth production company based in Collingwood working on their second and third film and documentary. Following the success of their first film, Senior Year, which was a completely youth-led production. All of Forty-Three Figure Film’s work, focuses on raising awareness around issues in youth society. When John is not hard at work directing and editing films, he is still driven with a passion to give back to his community.
“The creation of Forty-Three Figure Films was not something that came overnight. The actual creation of this business came out of a drive to create films that also give back to society.” Last year, John lead the production of Canada’s first youth lead feature film, titled Senior Year. The film was a success and he realized that he could use that success to not only achieve his own personal goals but to help others as well. All profits from Senior Year were donated to My Friend’s House – an organization that helps abused women and children. The next step he took was to create a film that would not only help those in need by contributing monetarily but by contributing in a meaningful way on screen. This goal lead to the creation of No Home In Sight – a documentary about youth homelessness. Unlike what he had done previously, this production was completely based in reality – but to handle this production properly the creation of Forty-Three Figure Films was necessary to help ensure a quality documentary could be created to engage and start a conversation amongst viewers. “Forty-Three Figure Films is a youth-based production company with the goal of utilizing the medium of film-making for the betterment of society through a business and social enterprise-based model.”
43 Figure Films upcoming documentary, No Home In Sight, is set to be released August 22, 23 & 25 at The Simcoe Street Theatre. It raises awareness around the buried issue of youth homelessness in Collingwood. All proceeds from ticket sales are donated to the fund that has been started to help homeless youth at risk.
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